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Creating a File DSN for Minisoft’s ODBC Driver

The parameters in the standalone DSN table are also used in JDBC.

Creating a File DSN based on an existing DSN

You must create a File DSN if you are using either MSExcel or MSQuery as your client application. On the other hand File DSNs are not needed for Server Release of MSOffice.

If you have already created a User or System DSN you can create a File DSN in one of these ways.

The first method being in the directory, indicated by the ‘options’ button in the Choose Data Source dialog; you can create a two line text file that contains:


The name of the file should be (yourdatasource.DSN). This file is created by following the next set of instructions. The value of yourdatasource on the line that begins with DSN, should be your existing User or System DSN.

Alternately, you can let MSQuery create the file DSN:

  1. In the Choose Data Source dialog box select <New Data Source> under the Databases tab. Then click OK.
  2.  The Create New Data Source dialog box will appear. Enter the name you want to give your data source. Select the HP e3000 Data Access Driver, then press Connect.
  3.  Minisoft’s HP e3000 Data Access ODBC Driver dialog box will appear. Under the Connection tab enter your valid login information, then click OK.
  4. dsn3
  5.  An error message will then appear, click OK.
  6.  Press the Connect button a second time in the Create New Data Source dialog box.
  7. ODBC_Y02a
  8.  The Select Data Source dialog box will appear.  Under the Machine Data Source tab select your data source name, then click OK.
  9. dsn6
  10.  Click OK again when Minisoft’s HP e3000 Data Access ODBC Driver dialog box appears.
  11.  In the Create New Data Source dialog box you should now see the name of your User or System DSN listed next to the connect button. Click OK.
  12.  Your File DSN will now appear in the list of available file DSNs.


Create a Standalone File DSN.

You can create a File DSN for your users so they will not need to learn the ODBC Administrator. The information entered in a File DSN is the same general information that would be entered when creating a User or System DSN in the ODBC/32 Administrator. You can specify these same parameters in a FILE DSN (Connection Parameters).

Following is an example of a File DSN that includes connection, database and table information.

DRIVER=HP3000 Data Access Driver
Description=Access the Demo Database
Server Port=30006
User Password=? (Note: If a question mark is entered for the User Password, the user is prompted to enter their password)
Catalog User=
Catalog Password=
Security Password=


SQLHDBC ConnectionHandle,
SQLHWND WindowHandle,
SQLCHAR * InConnectionString,
SQLSMALLINT StringLength1,
SQLCHAR * OutConnectionString,
SQLSMALLINT * StringLength2Ptr,
SQLUSMALLINT DriverCompletion);

Where InConnectionString is:

DRIVER=HP3000 Data Access Driver;2DriverTable=;Database0=MSDB.DEMO.MINISOFT,WRITER,N,1;
User=MGR;User Password=PASSWORD;Account=MINISOFT

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